Ruger - Vaquero 45 Long Colt w/4 5/8" Barrel Stainless Ruger - Super Blackhawk w/7.5" Barrel w/Blue Finish Ruger - Super Blackhawk w/5.5" Barrel w/Stainless Finish Ruger - SP101 w/Stainless Finish & 3 1/16" Barrel Ruger - SP101 w/Stainless Finish & 2 1/4" Barre Ruger - GP100 w/Blue Finish & 6' Heavy Barrel Ruger - GP100 w/Blue Finish & 4" Heavy Barrel Ruger - GP100 w/Stainless Finish & 6' Heavy Barrel

Ruger - GP100 w/Stainless Finish & 4' Heavy Barrel Revolver appraisal values Manufacturer - Model As an off hand rifle competitor, I have found having quality in your rifle and pistol is a must for accuracy much like the quality one sees in BRC and Ruger products.Revolver Bluebook Values - Index | Gun Blue Book | Gun Appraisal Values with hopes of a 4 1/2" barrel for my Vaquero, much like my Ruger 41 mag. I will suggest to Al that he also offer barrels for the large frame Ruger pistols in 45 cal. I use my RCBS 201 KT mold for cast bullets and 7.4 gr of #5 powder bullet overall length of 1.205". My 45 ACP load used was my custom 1911 load. The Vaquero 45 ACP held true and had no trouble finding the mark out to 100 yards without using Kentucky windage, a true test of quality Ruger barrels and BRC cylinder alignment. A few days later, while pumping water at the south end of our place, I placed rocks at 25 and 50 yards toward the base of a hill. With fixed sights I was surprised at the results. My first shot at the can seemed a bit low so I gave a little more front sight. Here you will see a photo with my Ruger 41 Mag and Ruger Vaquero with 45 LC and 45 ACP cylinders along with said can and my barrel testing results. I set a can at 25 yards and shot 6 rounds at it. When I stopped by the shop to pick up the pistol with 45 ACP cylinder Al asked for my testing feedback. Fortunately for me Al had a number of orders for the 45 ACP cylinders. I had the opportunity to do some testing of my Ruger Vaquero with a new BRC 45 ACP cylinder. No new orders for center fire cylinders will be taken until September 1, 2021. The demand for Ruger center fire cylinders has been so great there is a 3 month backlog. Base Pine Bushing only: $60.+ shipping USPS cost.Īl Story, owner of BRC, will be offering Ruger cylinders and barrels in 38-40 for Ruger pistols in the coming months. Requires gunsmith fitting.304 inch standard 5H119x95: $205.+ shipping USPS cost. for large frame, old and new style Ruger SA revolvers. SPECS: 4140 chrome moly steel, in the white. 020 inches oversize in length to allow correct fitting of cylinder-to-frame by the gunsmith. Cylinders are available standard or with a separate, pre-fit base pin bushing similar to 1st/2nd generation Colts. Oversize length allows precise fitting to the factory frame for solid lockup and superior accuracy. 304 inches, ready for you to ream the final chamber. Outside diameter, as well as the timing ratchets and locking notches are pre-cut to save time and effort.

High quality, six-shot, cylinder makes it easy and economical to building in a custom, large frame Ruger single action revolver for cowboy shooting or big game hunting. Story Ruger Cylinders for Super Blackhawk available with removable bushing Ready to Fit and Chamber for Popular Cowboy Action and Hunting Cartridges. SPECS: Machined steel, matte or gloss blued finish. Due to variations in manufacture of original firearm, some minor gunsmith fitting may be require to achieve proper fit. Machined to original dimensions, band is blued to either a gloss or matte finish to dress up and customize your rifle. Rugged, machined steel bank replace factory alloy band and matches barrel finish. Ruger 10/22 Barrel Band Strong Replacement Band for An Attractive Look and Secure Fit. Birds Head Ejector: $32.50 + shipping USPS cost. Fits all models of Blackhawk and Vaquero. Patterned after the "Bullseye" style ejector used on original Colts. Dished button provides excellent finger purchase for fast, sure ejection. Story Ruger Blackhawk Birdshead Ejector Rod Large, Round, Button is Easy to Hit. Older guns, with silver brazed studs, use the 1/4 inch model. Fits Blackhawk with 7 1/2 inch, 5 1/2 inch, and 4 5/8 inch barrels. High-lustre blue finish adds a touch of class to your Ruger Blackhawk revolver. Increased weight helps cut down muzzle flip. Ruger Blackhawk Ejector Rod Housing, replacing the Factory Aluminum Parts, are made from durable, machined steel that wears longer and functions smoother than the factory aluminum part.